The Bible is the most read book ever, but for many it is merely fiction. Join our conversation as we connect the dots to reveal that the story of the Bible is not only true, it's better than fiction.
This is not a devotion podcast, this is not a Pastors-around-a-table show, this a discussion about the greatest narrative. We believe that the Bible is best read as a story; that is: in order, in the historic context of the original readers, and seriously!
Also, lots of pop culture references.

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The Cast
Gandalf Savage
James “Gandalf” Savage serves as the Director of Media and Technology at FBC Tupelo. A practitioner in a variety of clandestine and technical disciplines. His hobbies includes: Drone flying, Computer building, Photography, and convincing himself that buying another ultrawide monitor is a good investment. Don’t get him started on Electric cars.
Pastor Matt serves as Senior Pastor at FBC Tupelo. He started his ministry at FBC in May of 2016. Pastor Matt holds degrees from Mississippi College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You’ll often find Matt fishing at the lake, watching a Superhero movie, or excitedly talking about a new idea he’s got.
Matt Powell
Nathan Vanhorn
Nathan serves as the Senior Pastor at FBC Corinth. A graduate of Mississippi College (B.A.) and N.O.B.T.S. (M.A., Th.M., Ph.D), he has pastored churches in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. He is also an adjunct professor for N.O.B.T.S (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary). Nathan’s is the largest brain on the Podcast, along with the largest head.
Listen to the latest episode!
Consider these other shows in our network:
FBC Tupelo Online
Listen in on Matt and Gandalf’s Church
When in Rome: Read as the Romans do
Matt’s study on the Book of Romans
Listen to sermons from FBC Corinth
by N.W Vanhorn